You mean Bible Time is not just in the summer?

No! Bible Time is available to run "winter" rallies October through April!

Often churches host revival meetings or other meetings for adults, but need a program for children. Why not invite Bible Time to come in and host a "winter rally" for your children. The children will be excited about coming each night, encouraging parents to be faithful as well. 


Brother Koontz or one of our staff evangelists will come to your church to host the rally for the children.


We are flexible and can customize the program to meet the needs of your church. Let us know what you would like and we can tailor the program to fit your needs.


The cost of the program varies depending on the length of the meeting as well as what type of program you are interested in running.

Please give Brother Koontz a call or send him an email to get more information or to set up your winter rally.