External link opens in new tab or windowChosen: The Serpent
External link opens in new tab or windowClick here  to watch "Chosen: The Serpent"

  External link opens in new tab or windowScene 1 - Serpents
   External link opens in new tab or windowScene 2 - Sick people
   External link opens in new tab or windowScene 3 - Moses praying
   External link opens in new tab or windowScene 4 - Moses holding up the staff
   External link opens in new tab or windowScene 5 - People looking at the staff
  External link opens in new tab or windowScene 6 - The Cross
 External link opens in new tab or window Chosen: Mt. Sinai
External link opens in new tab or windowClick here  to watch "Chosen: Mt. Sinai"
   External link opens in new tab or windowScene 1 - Manna and quail

 External link opens in new tab or windowScene 2 - God visiting Mt. Sinai
   External link opens in new tab or windowScene 3 - Moses receiving the Ten Commandments
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 Chosen: Burning Bush
External link opens in new tab or windowClick here  to watch "Chosen: Burning Bush"
   External link opens in new tab or windowScene 1 - Moses and the Burning Bush
   External link opens in new tab or windowScene 2 - Israelites in Egypt
   External link opens in new tab or windowScene 3 - Egypt
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Chosen: Plagues
External link opens in new tab or window Click here  to watch "Chosen: Plagues"
  External link opens in new tab or windowScene 1 - Blood, frogs, gnats
  External link opens in new tab or windowScene 2 - Flies and livestock
  External link opens in new tab or windowScene 3 - Boils
  External link opens in new tab or windowScene 4 - Fire and hail
  External link opens in new tab or windowScene 5 - Locust and darkness
  External link opens in new tab or windowScene 6 - Death of the firstborn
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Chosen: Red Sea
External link opens in new tab or windowClick here  to watch "Chosen: Red Sea"
  External link opens in new tab or windowScene 1 - Leaving Egypt
  External link opens in new tab or windowScene 2 - Egyptians coming after the Israelites
  External link opens in new tab or windowScene 3 - Parting of the Red Sea
  External link opens in new tab or windowScene 4 - Going through the Red Sea
  External link opens in new tab or windowScene 5 - Israelites rejoicing